What's That Flat?

Head-to-Tail Shift

A word or phrase becomes another when its first letter is moved to its end. For example: emanate manatee ; or brand R and B .

HEAD-TO-TAIL SHIFT (5 3, *3 *5)
   (HOO = *3 *5 = not MW)

The HOO is best seen in this scene we’ve all seen:
Poor Scarlett refuses to let her man go.
“Another day, Tara, I’ll win my Rhett back!”
Against disillusionment Scarlett OHO.
Genteel men like Butler and ladies like her
Inhabit plantations and wear fancy clothes.
So as for Miss Scarlett — her Butler is gone,
But Tara survives, and the cotton still grows.


The solution: holds out Old South .

In a head-to-tail sound shift, a word or phrase becomes another when its first sound is moved to its end. For example: ciao ouch .

In a reversed head-to-tail shift, a word or phrase becomes another when its first letter is moved to its end, and then the whole is reversed. For example: flatcar latcarf fractal .